cheese n. 1.干酪,乳酪;干酪状的东西。 2.〔美俚〕重要人物;上品,珍品。 3.【纺织;印染】筒子纱。 4.〔学俚〕微笑。 green cheese 未熟干酪;绿皮干酪;(低级)乳清干酪。 bread and cheese 粗食;糊口之道。 chalk and cheese 形似而实非。 big [small] cheese 〔俚语〕伟大[渺小]的人。 get the cheese 碰钉子,失望。 hard cheese 倒楣。 make cheeses 飘裙游戏〔女学生在旋转中突然弯下身子使裙子张大的游戏〕;(女人)弯腰行礼招呼。 Say ‘ cheese ' ! (照相时叫对方)笑! That is [quite] the cheese. 〔俚语〕十分对头[得当]。 vt. 〔俚语〕停止。 Cheese it! 1.停止吧!〔美国〕别吵! 静一点!注意!2.逃呀!走吧!
His breakfast consisted of a side - dish , a broiled fish with reading sauce , a scarlet slice of roast beef garnished with mushrooms , a rhubarb and gooseberry tart , and a morsel of cheshire cheese , the whole being washed down with several cups of tea , for which the reform is famous 这顿午餐包括有:一盘小吃,一盘加上等辣酱油的烹鱼块,一盘深红色的烤牛肉配着香大黄和青醋栗果,另外还有一块干酪。吃完之后,再喝上几杯俱乐部特备的好茶。把这些美食,一冲了事。
Cheshire cheese is a dense and crumbly cheese produced in the English county of Cheshire, and four neighbouring counties, two in Wales (Denbighshire and Flintshire) and two in England (Shropshire and Staffordshire).